How to Reduce Allergens in Your Home: 7 Helpful Tips

January 27 , 2020 admincarpet
how to reduce allergens in your home

how to reduce allergens in your home

Pollen, mold, dust mites, insects, and more.

These are the allergens floating around your home and settling on all its surfaces. It’s why you’re sneezing and itching. It’s why your eyes are watering and your nose is stuffy.

Learning how to reduce allergens in your home makes it a more enjoyable living space. If you’ve tried to keep up with cleaning but still have allergy attacks then this post is for you. We’re sharing several tips for cleaner, allergy-free spaces.

1. Stop Allergens Before They’re Tracked In

A lot of the allergens coming into your home are tracked in through the front or back door. So, it makes sense to tackle this area as it’s one of the main culprits.

Here are a few things you can do when entering the home:

  • Make a habit of taking off shoes and extra garments
  • Change clothes (and toss them in the wash) after coming inside
  • Wipe down or quick groom your pet before they bring allergens in
  • Have an exterminator spray for bugs so they don’t follow you in

You can’t stop all outdoor allergens from getting in. But, a couple of moments to tidy up before settling into your home can help a ton.

2. Make Pet Grooming a Regular Routine

It’s interesting to note that 3 in 10 people are allergic to pet dander. Now consider that about 67% of US households own a pet. That’s a lot of putting up with sneezing, itchiness, and such for your fur babies!

Your pet’s fur is the allergen culprit — specifically the dander.

Outdoor and indoor allergens settle on your pet’s fur. Then, they run around the home, shedding allergen-laced fur and dander. Of course, you’re going to have itchiness and a runny nose when Fido is spreading allergens everywhere!

Try this:

  • Bath and groom your pet, often, with effective allergy-specific shampoos
  • Use a de-shedder to groom and remove excess fur and dander
  • Wash your linen, carpets, and other points of pet contact

You may need to keep pets out of areas like your bedroom. And, consider training so your pet doesn’t jump on guests with allergies.

3. Clean, Clean, Clean Those Carpets

Allergens settle onto surfaces, making your home’s carpet the largest point of contact. Shuffling around kicks up dust, dander, pollen, and other agents, spreading allergens. It’s a non-stop cycle that’ll cause frequent allergy attacks!

Two options:

  • Get a really, really good vacuum and get to vacuuming often
  • Bring in the pros for a deep carpet cleaning between regular vacuuming

You should vacuum at least once a week. Yet, we all know this can sometimes creep into two weeks (or more) when we’re busy. This is no good when you consider all the allergens settling into the carpet fibers.

Professional carpet cleaning is a perfect supplement to your cleaning. With hypoallergenic solutions, they deep clean without sparking allergy attacks from harsh products. Plus, they have tools to clean tough areas and the expertise to attack the most troublesome spots.

4. Get and Use an Air Purifier

The air that’s coming into your home is bound to have a lot of allergens floating around in it. This can be anything from pollen and dust to air pollutants caused by local businesses, cars, and industries.

Air purifiers are an excellent way to reduce allergens, room-to-room. They’re also all-around great for reducing odors like those caused by your pet(s).

Here are a few features to look for with air purifiers:

  • Energy-star certification (for optimal energy use)
  • Quiet operation (so it’s not a noisy annoyance)
  • Quality HEPA filters (to capture more allergens)

A decent air purifier runs between $100 to $200. Check the reviews, and then pick up one for the high traffic areas. This little unit will do wonders for reducing allergies in your home.

5. Have Your HVAC Checked and Cleaned

The HVAC is what’s pumping air throughout your home. So, it’s a given you can prevent a lot of allergens from spreading by ensuring it’s clean.

Contact a local HVAC professional for:

  • Maintenance services
  • Duct and vent cleaning

These two will keep the HVAC unit from blowing dirty air through the home. It also extends the life of the unit so there’s a bonus.

You can help out with this area, too, by replacing filters each month. Swap out the old filter with a high-quality one and your air will stay clean.

6. Close up Shop During Allergy Season

Crisp, fresh air is great but not when it’ll have you experiencing an allergy fit.

Allergy season is when seasonal allergies are at their worst.

It’s sort-of allergy season all the time. Allergens are constantly getting released into the air by plants. Some months are a little easier to deal with, though.

You may not like hearing it — but do this:

  • Keep the windows closed during peak pollen forecasts
  • Make taking OTC allergy meds part of your daily routine

It’s a bummer that you can’t get fresh air in but at least you’re not miserable!

7. Get Meticulous About Preventing Mold

We tend to think of pollen and dander as the biggest allergy culprits. Yet, let’s not forget that mold can cause problems, too.

Mold tends to appear where moisture is common:

  • Around the shower
  • Moist air vents
  • Entryways
  • Basements
  • Under the sink

Luckily, cleaning mold is quick and easy given you get to it early on. Using a rag and bleach/water mix, wipe down areas that show signs of mold. For a non-toxic way to clean mold, spray white distilled vinegar on the affected spots.

Are you seeing serious signs of mold? Well, allergies are the least of your troubles when it’s got to this level. You’ll want to call in the pros because black mold can become quite dangerous!

Discover More Ways How to Reduce Allergens in Your Home

So there you have it. We covered a few ways how to reduce allergens in your home. Hopefully, it will bring relief to you and your loved ones. And, make your day-to-day living a little more enjoyable without all the sneezing!

Our question before you go: Do you need help keeping those carpets clean?

Get in touch with our friendly staff to learn about our carpet cleaning services! We serve Alpharetta and local areas with rug cleaning, pet odor removal, and so much more. Click or call to schedule an appointment today!

Stubborn Smells? Here Are Some Tricks on Eliminating Pet Odors

January 2 , 2020 admincarpet
eliminating pet odors

We love our furry friends, but the smells that come along with them? Not so much. Stubborn pet odors have a way of getting trapped in your home, and they can seem to linger no matter how many scented candles you use.

Fortunately, there are plenty of techniques you can try to keep your house smelling fresh and clean. Here are a few tips and tricks for eliminating pet odors in your home.

Tips for Eliminating Pet Odors

Pet odors have a way of getting into just about everything. This includes your carpets, furniture, curtains, and even your walls. Here are a few things you can do to get rid of that pet smell that just won’t seem to go away.

Vacuum All Surfaces

Pet hair and dander are major offenders when it comes to spreading pet smells around the house. Pet hair and dander can work their way into carpets and other fabrics over time.

Regular vacuum cleaning is essential for controlling the pet hair and dander in your home. Be sure to vacuum all carpets and upholstery as well as uncarpeted floors. It’s recommended that pet owners vacuum at least several times per week.

Make sure you have a high-powered vacuum, preferably with a HEPA filter. Use helpful attachments to fully clean stairs and other hard to reach areas.

For extra smelly carpeting or fabrics, you can use baking soda to draw out the odors. Just sprinkle baking soda on the surface and allow it to sit for a few hours. Then vacuum it up.

Get Some Fresh Air

Fresh air is great for getting rid of odors and staleness. On a dry and breezy day, leave your windows open for a few hours to allow new air to circulate into your home.

For smaller items that can be moved, such as throw rugs or drapery, consider bringing them outside. Hang them on a clothesline or railing for the day to allow the fresh breeze to remove odors, hair, and dust.

Deep Clean Furniture and Fabrics

A good washing is a great defense against pet odors in your home. After vacuuming your furniture and drapes, follow up with a thorough washing.

For items that can be machine washed, such as throw pillow covers and some drapes, follow washing instructions and use a fresh-smelling detergent. For larger items, such as upholstered furniture or very heavy drapery, use a deep cleaning process to remove those deep-set odors.

Pay special attention to areas that your pets use frequently. For example, be sure to vacuum and wash pet beds. If you allow your pets to sit on the furniture, consider covering it with a removable cover that can be thrown in the washing machine.

Clean Your Carpets

Carpets are a major source of set-in pet odors. Carpets can trap tons of pet hair, dander, and dust. Your should deep-clean your carpet regularly to keep your home smelling fresh.

Be sure to spot treat pet stains with a vinegar solution or other carpet cleaner. For pet accidents, you can use an enzymatic cleaner. It’s crucial to treat the spot as soon as possible to prevent the stain and smell from setting in.

Use a carpet cleaning solution that is safe for your type of carpeting. Don’t oversaturate your carpets when cleaning them, as that can lead to trapped moisture and even worse odors than before.

Check underneath furniture for hidden stains. There could be old spots you don’t even know about contributing to the overall odors in your home.

Depending on how much carpeting you have in your house, carpet cleaning can be a big job. Consider working with a carpet-cleaning professional to make things easier.

Wash the Floors and Walls

Pet odors can even affect hard surfaces like floors and walls. You should wash these surfaces regularly to keep them clean and smelling fresh. Sweep and dust them thoroughly before washing to remove pet hair and other debris.

To clean your walls and floors, make sure to use cleaning products that are safe for that type of surface. You should determine the type of paint on your walls before attempting to clean it. Not all cleaners are safe for all types of flooring, either.

Sometimes odors can be deeply set into walls and floors. This is especially true if pets have directly soiled the area.

In this case, you might opt to apply a fresh coat of paint or a wood stain. This will help to seal the odor and prevent new smells from being trapped in the future.

Groom Your Pet Regularly

Keeping your pet fresh and clean can help keep your house fresh and clean, too. Make sure to give dogs regular baths. Keep up with brushing for all furry pets to prevent excess shedding.

Regular coat trims can help reduce the amount of hair around your home, as well. Keep your pet’s nails short and clean to prevent tracking dirt and debris around the house.

If you have cats, make sure to keep the litter box clean. Scoop the litter regularly and change out the litter at least every few days. If the litter box still smells funky, consider washing it out with a pet-safe cleaner.

Consider an Air Purifier

Air purifiers can help remove those unpleasant airborne smells. The filter in an air purifier is great for trapping pet dander. Not only will this cut down on the odors in your home, but it will help reduce allergens.

Freshen Up Your Home Today

Stubborn pet odors can be a real headache for homeowners. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to get rid of that lingering dog or cat smell. Try out these cleaning tips for eliminating pet odors to keep your home and your furry friends fresh and clean.

Are you interested in working with a professional to give your home the deep-cleaning it needs? Feel free to contact us today to find out how we can help.

Take a Carpet Nap: How to Unflatten Carpet and Clean Beyond the Surface

November 21 , 2019 admincarpet
how to unflatten carpet

how to unflatten carpet

Carpet remains one of the most popular types of flooring out there. In fact, putting carpet in the living room and bedrooms is still a major trend.

But it’s no secret that carpet can start to look flat and deflated over time.

With the right know-how, you can keep your carpet full and fluffy. We’ve put together this guide to help you learn how to unflatten carpet that’s seen better days.

So let’s get started!

Start By Vacuuming

You should always start the unflattening process with a quick vacuum. This will do a few things for you.

First of all, it will remove any debris from the surface of your carpet, like dirt or pet hair. This debris can get in the way of your treatment or, at the very least, will make the job a lot messier.

Vacuuming will also fluff up the carpet. This will give you a better idea of which areas are matted and need more attention.

How to Unflatten Furniture Marks

All furniture makes indentations in your carpet if it stays in one place long enough. These indentations can be deep, especially if you have thick, fluffy carpet.

But they aren’t hard to get rid of. All you need are a few ice cubes.

Here’s what to do next.

  • Fill the carpet indentations with ice cubes, keeping them at least two inches apart
  • Let the ice melt completely (this might take a few hours)
  • Use your fingers (or a stiff brush) to fluff the carpet fibers back up
  • Repeat the process if needed

If you don’t want to wait around for the ice to melt on its own, you can also use a hairdryer to speed up the process. But keep it at a low heat so you don’t damage your carpet.

It’s also a good idea to vacuum over the unflattened section after it dries. The vacuum will help fluff the carpet fibers again.

How to Unflatten Areas with Heavy Foot Traffic

If you’re dealing with a carpet that gets heavy foot traffic, you’ll need more than a few ice cubes to unflatten the fibers.

Start by warming up your iron and getting a damp cloth (or towel). Then follow these steps:

  • Lay the damp cloth over the affected carpet
  • Iron over the cloth for several seconds
  • Move the cloth to a new area and repeat

The mix of water and heat will make the carpet fibers stand back up again. But the cloth has to be damp. If you use a dry towel, you’ll spend a lot of time on your hands and knees without making a difference.

And make sure you don’t let the iron touch the carpet—not even for a few seconds. Without the damp cloth, the iron might burn your carpet.

How to Lift (And Clean) the Entire Carpet

The iron and damp cloth method is effective, but it’s not practical to iron your entire living room.

Baking soda and vinegar can refresh and re-fluff your whole carpet. And on top of that, it gives you a way to clean your carpet below the surface. Baking soda kills bacteria hidden in your carpet and removes bad smells.

There are two steps involved in this process, and it’s important you don’t rush through them and do them at the same time.

Here’s how to apply the baking soda.

  • Spread an even layer of baking soda over your carpet
  • Use a stiff brush to work it into the fibers
  • Let the baking soda sit overnight
  • Then vacuum the baking soda up the next day

Once you’ve cleaned the baking soda, fill a spray bottle with equal parts vinegar and water. Here’s what to do next:

  • Spray the water and vinegar mixture over the carpet
  • Use enough to make the carpet damp
  • Work it into the fibers with your stiff brush

After a few hours, the vinegar smell will go away. Then your entire carpet will look fluffy and new again.

Don’t spray the vinegar onto your carpet until after you vacuum the baking soda. Otherwise, you’ll create a white, pasty mess that you’ll have a hard time cleaning up.

Flat Carpet Prevention

All carpet will flatten and wear out over time. But there are a few things you can do to help it last longer.

Move Your Furniture

If you have any furniture on your carpet, such as chairs or tables, start moving them every day.

You don’t have to move them much. Just scoot them an inch to the left one day and an inch to the right the next day. This will prevent the pressure from building up in one spot.

Put Rugs in High-Traffic Areas

Laying area rugs down in high-traffic areas will help absorb the wear from all those footsteps. It will also keep the carpet underneath in good condition.

Try putting rugs by the doors, in the walkways, and in common gathering areas, like in front of the couch.

Buy High-Quality Carpet

Low-quality carpet won’t last as long as high-quality carpet. So the next time you go carpet shopping, make sure you look for something that is strong and dense. This will keep the flattening to a minimum.

How to Unflatten Carpet (The Right Way)

Learning how to unflatten carpet takes a bit of work, but it isn’t hard. And you probably have everything you need in your house already.

But spending that time on the ground scrubbing and ironing can difficult and uncomfortable.

That’s why you should let us take care of that part for you.

Make sure you click here to learn how we can help you clean your carpet.

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April 14 , 2018 admincarpet

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